In AbaNinja, it is possible to connect one or more bank accounts of Swiss banks and use them for invoicing or paying supplier invoices. With a bank connection, you can automatically import account transactions or transmit payment orders to your bank account.
Several accounts from the same bank as well as from different banks and bank accounts with foreign currencies (e.g. EUR or USD) can be connected.
By connecting your bank account, you can take full advantage of AbaNinja's automation features.
Supported Banks
In AbaNinja, you have the option of saving the bank details for all Swiss banks and using them to issue or pay invoices.
A bank connection is possible to over 70 Swiss banks. You can find an overview of all possible bank connections in AbaNinja under Finances > Banking > New bank account.
Note: We are constantly striving to provide bank connections to additional banking institutions. To keep you informed about current developments and innovations, we have set up a news section in our knowledge database: Updates
Establish a bank connection
Basically, you can enter your bank information as described in the following article: How do I enter or edit my bank account?
When you enter the bank details, the system automatically checks whether a connection (interface) to this bank is possible. If this is possible, it can be activated via the Connect button.
The further connection process can vary from bank to bank and also depends on the login method (code via SMS, code via app, Mosaik, etc.).
With some banks, you will be redirected to the bank's e-banking login after clicking on Connect (e.g. Raiffeisen or Valiant) and will then be guided through the connection process.
For some banks, the connection process is displayed in AbaNinja. In most cases, you can authenticate yourself with your e-banking contract, your password and the corresponding login method and thus authorise the transfer of account transactions.
Once the connection has been completed, an initial reconciliation of the account transactions is carried out and the bank account is displayed with a note on the last reconciliation.
No login data such as contract number, passwords or access codes are stored in AbaNinja. This applies to both the permanent and the temporary connection.
We will not ask you for your e-banking access data either in writing or by telephone. Never share this confidential data with third parties.
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