The various wage types used in your employees' wage slips can be found either in the personnel master under "Employees - Wage data - Hours/absences/expenses, compensation/deductions" or in the "Wage values". A wage type can also be entered once in the payroll run using the "New wage type" function.
These components are implemented in the program by default, according to the regulations of the tax authorities and social insurances. The list "Wage type base obligation", located in "Evaluations - Audit", allows you to easily find out which components are subject to contributions and which are not. It can be opened in PDF format or as an Excel document.
In AbaSalary you will find a list of all payroll types available in the application. The list shows the payroll types for which contributions to AHV/IV/EO, ALV, UVG, withholding tax, etc. must be paid.
Some explanations about the document:
This list shows wage types and sub wage types. Some of them will be found in your wage data, depending on the settings in the background.
Each wage type has its own number, which is shown in the column "LA-No.". In the table, they are listed as 100% or 0%. 100% means that it is subject to the corresponding social contribution, 0% means that it has no influence.
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