The following corrections and improvements have been implemented with this AbaSalary update:
- The error message ‘Server connection lost, trying to reconnect...’ in the invoicing area has been removed.
- The back payments were not included in the ZIP file of the wage statements. This bug has been fixed and the wage statements for back payments to employees who have left the company now appear again in PDF format in the ZIP file.
- The loading time when switching to the "Payroll" view has been optimized. The loading time should be noticeably shorter, especially for companies with many employees. Further improvements to the loading times will follow with upcoming updates, as already announced.
- In the national analyses, periods of less than one year can now also be output (new selection option).
Knows Problems
- ...
Over the summer, we received several reports of problems with the transmission of salary payments via Postfinace. The problem only occurred for a short time each time. These problems were triggered by a change of data centre on the part of Postfinance. The situation has normalised in recent weeks and we have not noticed any more incidents.
New fields are available in the "Cross-border commuters" area (Employees > Withholding tax > Record withholding tax > Cross-border commuters area). These are used to prepare for the ELM 5.3 annual transmissions for cross-border commuters in Italy and France.
In addition to the corrections mentioned above, >8 further optimisations have been made.
If something is still not running smoothly: let us know about the problem. The easiest way is to use the "Help" button at the bottom right.
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