The following corrections and improvements were implemented with this AbaSalary update:
- The wage type "Overtime monthly wage" had suggested an incorrect rate. This has been corrected. It can still be overridden manually if necessary.
- A settlement month could be set to definite, even though there were still employees with the status "changed".
- Im Personalstamm wird bei Mitarbeiter mit Quellensteuerkanton Jura jetzt korrekt auf die zwingende Erfassung "Kirchensteuer = Y" hingewiesen. In the personnel base, the mandatory entry "Church tax = Y" is now correctly indicated for employees with Jura as the withholding tax canton.
- The problem where some evaluations were incorrectly generated in portrait format has been fixed (this problem only occurred with the first output).
- Missing / incorrect translations have been corrected.
- The provision regarding short-time work for low-income earners, which was originally limited until the end of March 2021, has been extended. The applicability of the variable compensation rate for low incomes has been extended until the end of June 2021.
- The withholding tax rates for 2021 have been updated (changes from March 8, 2021 have been taken into account).
- We have changed the name of the payroll type "Advance payment deduction" to "Advance / Advance payment deduction".
- The entry document can now be displayed in three different levels of detail (parameters under "Evaluations - Settlement - Output entry document"). This can be helpful for control purposes. The entry itself is not affected by this (entries are is always condensed to the maximum).
Known Problems
- The pending "First payroll settlement" is visible on the overview page - even if several settlements have already been made.
In addition to the above-mentioned corrections, more than 11 additional optimizations were made.
Nevertheless, if something does not run smoothly: Please let us know the problem. The easiest way is to use the "Help" button at the bottom right.
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