The following corrections and improvements have been implemented with this AbaSalary update:
- The minimum contribution for offsetting business vehicles was incorrectly raised from 1.1.2022. We have corrected this and it is now also calculated in 2022 with 150 CHF (for 2022 only the percentage for the private share changes).
- The entry of insurance daily allowances now also works with number of days x daily rate.
- Manual entries or corrections with the value 0 can be saved in the settlement detail view without redirection and are no longer hidden.
- Fixed: Employees with cash payment automatically switched to status "Paid" when settlement/processing had been repeated several times.
- Booked months can only be reset after a cancellation.
- FR / EN translations for wage statement number 3 (overtime, vacation pay) have been corrected.
- The account assignment for the entry has been adjusted:
- Account 9980 is now used as the suspense account (old: 1091). All AbaSalary entries run via this suspense account.
- The wage payments are now posted to account 1091 (old: bank account e.g. 1020 etc.). Thus, bank G/L accounts are no longer posted directly from AbaSalary.
- The booking of bank fibu accounts from AbaSalary has been criticized repeatedly. With the new booking, in particular the time offset between the wage entry and the effective bank debit will be intercepted.
- The customization also improves compatibility with Abacus environments (XML export of the entry file).
What are the implications of this change?
For customers who do not use General Ledger nothing changes.
All settlements made as of the January update will use the new account assignment (regardless of the pay settlement month).
Months that have already been settled but not yet booked will still be booked using the old account assignment. Old and new payroll entries can be entered for an unlimited period of time.
In AbaNinja, care must be taken to ensure that transfer account 1091 is cleared. Bank debits or cash withdrawals in connection with payroll accounting should therefore be made with a entry type "Account 1091 to bank/postal/cash account". When processing CAMT confirmations from salary payments, there is no need for a manual entry.
- The cantonal FAF contributions for 2022 have been updated.
- The cantonal rates for child allowances and education allowances in 2022 have been updated.
- The withholding tax tariffs for 2022have been updated.
For the canton of Geneva, an employer wage type "Kinder- und Tagesfamilienbetreuung (LSAPE)" or "Contribution en faveur de la petite enfance (LSAPE)" (Child and day time family care (LSAPE) is now automatically calculated (currently 0.07%). Please check the statements; if the contribution was previously calculated with an individual FAK contribution rate, you should reduce the contribution rate by 0.07%. If you use the cantonal standard FAK contribution, no adjustment is necessary.
- The year choice for starting with AbaSalary has been adjusted to 2021, 2022, 2023 (only relevant for a new AbaSalary opening, no effect on existing customers).
- The settings for controlling the 13th monthly wage type in the HR master have been simplified. The payment variants are now available for selection in a transparent manner.
- NO 13th monthly wage
- 13th monthly wage paid out monthly (hourly wage)
- 13th monthly wage paid out in June
- 13th monthly wage paid out in November
- 13th monthly wage paid out in December
- The new system allows payment in June and December (half each) or only in December (total 13th month's salary). If payment in November is selected, the entire 13th month's salary is already paid out in November. Any difference is automatically corrected in December (e.g. in the event of a salary change in December).
- The old wage type selection (pay 13th month's salary in this month) will continue to work until the end of 2021. From 2022, the new variant must be used. Therefore, please check all employees with an entitlement to a 13th month's wage.
Known Problems
- Since the December update, it has been mandatory to close the previous months before the next month can be settled. Certain constellations can lead to a problem during the transition phase. Please contact us if a month cannot be closed as expected.
- Some banks have introduced a limitation of the file name length. In this case please shorten the file name of the XML payment file before you import the file at the bank. We will shorten the default name as soon as possible so that the import works again at all banks.
For information on year-end work or issuing wage statements, see the article below:
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