The following corrections and improvements were implemented with this AbaSalary update:
- When exporting the payment file for the wage payment, a shorter file name will now be assigned. This adjustment became necessary because some banks introduced a limit on the permissible file name length at the end of 2021.
- Solved: Individual employees of a definitely processed month could be reset by selection. This led to an inadmissible constellation, as a month can only be reopened as a whole. Please contact support if you are affected (in this case, the month cannot be set to definitive).
- Removed: In the personnel master, an arrow symbol was incorrectly displayed when editing a wage value.
- When changing the months in the employee wage data, it was not always apparent whether the month was already closed (definite) or not. The status is now also updated correctly when browsing with the arrow symbols and via a year change.
- Cantonal statutory employee contributions are no longer listed in item 9 of the wage statement (in accordance with the Swiss Tax Conference).
- In the "Annual Journal" evaluation, the selection of the sort order now works. By default, the output is by name.
- On the start page, the first day of work was also reported for employees with an entry date years in the past. This was, of course, complete nonsense and has also been corrected.
- Under the standard insurances for the company, it is now possible to select "No insurance" for the supplementary accident insurance and the daily sickness benefits insurance, if there is no insurance contract for the majority of the employees.
- In figure 3 of the wage statement, overtime and holiday payments are now both shown separately (previously they were combined in one value).
- The LOB wage types no longer differentiate between men and women. The wage type now appears on the salary statement with the designation "LOB contribution fixed".
- The account assignment for the financial accounting was changed in January (details can be found in the release notes of January 2022).
Known Problems
- Since the December update, the previous months must be closed before the next month can be settled. Certain constellations can lead to a problem during the transition phase. Please contact us if a month cannot be closed as expected.
For information on the year-end activities or the issuance of wage statements, see the following article:
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