The release of March 11, 2021 will implement updates and improvements in the following areas.
1. Improvement of the Inbox
2. Collective invoice
3. Revision of finance activities
4. Payments in foreign currencies
5. OI List
6. Service codes as Favourites
7. Import & Export
8. Improvement of criteria (Tags)
9. Standard Units
10. Company data in Swiss21 Portal
11. Retransmit manual entries
1. Improvement of the Inbox
All receipts that have been received from third party systems such as cash connections (Lightspeed, Gastrofix, Ikentoo) are now assigned directly to the Inbox tab under Customers > Invoices. In the case of several invoices with identical invoice recipients, collective invoices can be generated from this view (more information under point 2).
The account inbox continues to display notifications about supplier documents that need to be released. In addition, further notifications about background processes such as import, export or bulk mailing of documents are now displayed.
2. Collective invoices
Collective invoices can now be created from offers, orders, delivery notes and invoices. The documents must have the status Draft and be addressed to the same recipient. The collective invoice is automatically assigned the next document number and the consolidated documents are moved to the Completed tab with the status Combined.
All items, notes and attachments are transferred to the collective invoice. As long as the collective invoice has not yet been sent, it can also be cancelled again, whereby the changes are discarded and the original documents are restored.
3. Revision of activities
In the new version, the display of activities has been fundamentally revised and a new system has been integrated. For example, you can now see exactly when and who has changed something at an address or a document, or from whom reminders have been sent.
During a transition phase, older activities may continue to be displayed.
4. Payments with foreign currency
If the currency of a payment differs from the currency of a document (customer or supplier invoice), an exchange rate (Settings > Accounting > Currency) and the converted amount are now displayed. The exchange rate can also be changed manually.
Example: Example: You receive a supplier invoice in the foreign currency Euro and pay it from your bank account in which is in the currency Swiss francs. The confirmation of this payment will therefore also be in Swiss francs. If you now assign this payment to the supplier document in Euro, it can now be booked with an exchange rate.
5. Report - Open items
In the Open Items report, additional address information is now displayed next to the customer number. This is so that a grouping with address information can be displayed for several identical customer names that have different customer numbers.
In addition, it is now also possible to search in the open items list.
Time recording
6. Service types - Favourites
There is now the possibility to mark service types as Favourites. This allows the desired service type to be selected more quickly when entering services.
7. Import & Export
The import of addresses and products has been improved. The type (article or service) can now be specified when importing products. The unit, product group and account are now also imported. This eliminates the need to enter this information manually.
In addition, the criteria (tags) can now also be specified when importing addresses or products.
The export has also been improved and now also exports information such as criteria (tags), units, product groups or accounts.
8. Improvement of criteria (Tags)
Products and addresses can now be dynamically categorised using keywords (tags). The entry of these tags only takes place on the addresses or products and can be modified in the settings - e.g. in the case of typing errors.
Existing criteria in your account are automatically converted into tags with the update. Up to 100 different tags can now be created.
9. Units
In response to numerous user requests, we have created more options in the area of units. Based on the ISO standard, many more units are now available.
10. Company data in Swiss21 Portal
Company data is now administered centrally via the Swiss21 portal and therefore no longer needs to be entered twice. Changes to this company data are only recorded in the Swiss21 portal and then automatically transferred to AbaNinja.
Abacus Connection
11. Import & Export
It is now also possible to manually initiate a new transmission to Abacus for completed, manual bookings.
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