The following corrections and improvements have been implemented with the update from
27. February 2024 in the following areas:
Video about all updates
1. Customers– Invoices – Prefx variables for recurring invoices and invoice templates
2. Customers– E-Mail-dispatch– Own sender address per SMTP
3. Suppliers – Supplier credit notes
4. Banking – UBS bank connection via bLink
Video about all updates
1. Customers - Invoices - Prefix variables for recurring invoices and invoice templates
Under Settings > Customers > Invoices, you can store variables as prefixes for recurring invoices and invoice templates. The following variables are available: {$counter} (invoice number), {$userId} (user identification), {$year} (year) and {$date:d-m-Y} (day-month-year).
2. Customers - Sending e-mails - Own sender address via SMTP
Due to the increasingly strict configuration of e-mail services such as Gmail, Yahoo etc., it is now possible to send e-mails directly via your own mail server. For this purpose, the setting for sending emails with your own sender address (SPF) has been moved to a separate page.
In order to send emails with your own sender address via your own mail server, all details must be entered so that AbaNinja can authenticate itself on the mail server. The configuration under Settings > Customers > Sending emails > Email sender is similar to setting up an email inbox. The only difference is that only the SMTP (outgoing e-mail server) is required here.
- This function is only available with a paid subscription.
3. Suppliers– Supplier credit notes
Under Suppliers > Supplier credit notes, you can import credit notes from suppliers. This means that it is now possible to offset supplier documents with supplier credit notes if, for example, goods have been returned to the supplier. It is also possible to offset a supplier credit note against incoming payments.
- This function is only available with a paid subscription.
4. Banking – UBS Bank connection via bLink
You now have the option of permanently connecting your AbaNinja account to UBS e-banking via bLink. With this connection, account transactions can be automatically imported into AbaNinja or payment orders can be transmitted from AbaNinja to your bank account.
How a bank account can be saved is explained in the following article:
How do I store or edit my bank account in AbaNinja?
In order to connect a bank via bLink, 2-Factor Authentication is mandatory. After setting up 2-factor authentication, you must first log out and log in again to continue the connection. The e-mail address of your AbaNinja account must be entered under E-mail.
After logging in, you will be redirected to the UBS onboarding process. The following requirements must be met in your UBS account so that the account can be connected to AbaNinja:
- Only 1 e-banking contract can be linked to an AbaNinja account.
- UBS Access App must be activated.
You have activated the camt.053-Account statement (end of day) in E-Banking.
- Select your bank relationships and the associated accounts that you want to connect to AbaNinja.
- Here you will find information on problems with activation.
- If you also have an EBICS contract with UBS and want to set up a new connection via bLink, please contact UBS Support Tel Deutsch on 0848 848 064 and provide your details:
"I am an AbaNinja customer and would like to activate bLink, but I already have an EBICS contract.
Unfortunately this does not work. Please check the offers in my e-banking."
Online activation not possible
Have you activated your Access App and are you prompted to contact support after successful confirmation in the Access App?
Please contact UBS Digital Banking Support to activate your accounts for automatic bank reconciliation:
DE: 0848 848 062
EN: 0848 848 064
FR: 0848 848 061
IT: 0848 848 063
- Automatic synchronisation of transactions overnight.
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