When entering a new employee, the first day of the current month is assumed as the entry date. If necessary, this should be adjusted to the exact entry date of the employee.
If an employee enters or leaves the company during the current month, AbaSalary automatically calculates the monthly wages on a pro-rata basis according to the days worked.
As soon as you are informed about an employee leaving, the date of exit must be entered in AbaSalary. In the month of exit, the individual wage components are calculated differently, which is why it is recommended to check the wage components carefully and change/overwrite them when processing the wage statement.
If you have an employee in your company situation who is employed as a seasonal worker, the effective date of exit must be entered and must not be listed as indefinite. This means that when your seasonal worker leaves the company, the date of exit must be entered. Once they return, create a new entry using the "+" in the upper right corner. The first entry should not be overwritten, as this can lead to calculation errors, such as withholding tax or social security (maximum and minimum amount).
It is not advisable to create the same employee for each new entry. Instead, a new entry is created for each time the new employee rejoins the company.
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