In the 21.AbaSalary program, the monthly wage is automatically calculated on the basis of the employee's workload/employment and proportionately on the basis of the entry and exit dates.
We explain the three different points here:
Monthy wage - Employment:
The monthly wage is automatically calculated on the basis of the workload stored for the employee in the employment relationship:
The amount of the monthly wage must be stored in the employee's wage data and entered for 100%, the corresponding amount will then be calculated automatically:
On the statement shown here, you can now see that the amount of the monthly wage of CHF 5,000 is automatically converted to the workload of 40%:
If the employment rate varies from month to month, then the rate must be edited/changed here at the end of each month. Make sure that the month is fully completed (Settlement > Status: Definite) before changing this for the next month.
Monthly wage - pro rata to the date of entry:
If an employee is hired during the month, e.g. on 15 September, the program automatically calculates a pro rata monthly wage during the monthly payroll run.
The calculation is as follows:
Monthly wage × number of working days/number of effective days in the month = pro rata wage.
CHF 5'000 x 15 / 30
For a better understanding of the calculation: The number of working days to be taken into account in the calculation is fifteen. This can be seen in the monthly journal under "SI-days" on the payroll page:
Monthly wage - pro rata to the date of departure:
If an employee leaves the company during the month, e.g. on 15 April, the programme automatically calculates a prorated monthly wage during the monthly payroll run. The calculation here is exactly the same as for prorating for joining during the month, see above..
The calculation remains unchanged:
Monthly wage × number of working days/number of effective days in the month = pro rata wage.
13. Monthly wage - Severance payment:
As far as the 13th month's wage is concerned, the principle remains the same for a leaving date during the month/year. The program will automatically calculate the pro-rata payment of the 13th month's wage if this option is activated in the wage data..
When the payroll is run, a line appears with the heading "13th monthly wage exit".:
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