With the update of 24 April 2023, enhancements and improvements were implemented in the following areas.
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1. Customer Portal - Comments system
2. Multilinguality
3. Tab "All" for search across all document statuses
4. Master data - Units of measure - Add unit of measurement
5. Master data - Products - Prefix for numbering
6. Offers - Signing with DeepSign
7. Order - Service entry - Sort by date
8. All Document types - Mass download (ZIP)
9. Products - Expansions
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1. Customer portal -Comment system
It is now possible to communicate directly with the recipient of documents via the Customer Portal by using external comments.
The customer can now enter a comment directly on the documents received in the Customer Portal.
A submitted comment is displayed in AbaNinja via the Inbox, which can be used to access the corresponding document directly.
By activating the Public Comment function, it is possible to respond directly to the customer's enquiry.
The customer will now receive an email indicating that a new comment has been received. The customer can view this comment directly in the Customer Portal via the link contained in the email.
The Public Comments function can only be activated in the edit screen in AbaNinja if:
- an email address has been entered for the document
- if the document has already been sent by email
- This function is only available with a paid subscription.
2. Multiple languages available
AbaNinja is now available in multiple languages. This means that entries can be made in 4 languages (DE, EN, FR & IT) in various areas such as product master, service types, employee groups, etc..
Depending on the language of location of the AbaNinja account, the data will be displayed in the corresponding language.
Sample product
The product name and the product description can now be listed separately on a product in all 4 languages (DE, EN, FR & IT).
3. Tab "All" for search across all document statuses
A new tab All is available in the overview of all documents.
This enables a uniform and comprehensive search across all document statuses.
- This function is only available with a paid subscription.
4. Master data - Unit of measure - Add unit of measurement
It is now possible to enter your own units of measure via the settings for the master data.
- This function is only available with a paid subscription.
5. Master data - Products - Prefix for numbering
Similar to the settings for customer & supplier documents, it is now also possible to specify settings for the entry of articles and services for numbering such as prefix, next number and number format.
These settings can be stored and activated via Settings > Master data > Products.
6. Offers - Sign with DeepSign
Provided that a DeepBox has been connected to AbaNinja, offers can now be signed and sent with the electronic signature DeepSign.
Within the offer there is a Signatures field where the switch Activate signature page can be activated. This switch can also be fixed as a definitely active default via Settings > Customers > Offers in the Signature page.
The sender and recipient are then automatically saved and the signature type can be selected.
The offer is now sent via the Send via DeepSign button.
The recipient of the offer receives an email with a link to view and sign the offer.
The signature field is now used to either sign directly or to upload a signature.
The signature is transferred to the corresponding field on the offer.
After clicking the button Sign now, the signature is confirmed and the offer is accepted.
Within AbaNinja, this process is now indicated by a green tick in the offer.
The creator of the offer now also receives an email stating that the offer has been signed. They can access it via a link and also sign it in order to complete the offer process.
If this process was confirmed with Sign now, the offer is moved from the Open tab to the Completed tab in AbaNinja.
The offer now has two green ticks in the signature area and the signed offer is available as a PDF file in the attachment.
The signature function can also be used without an active connection to a DeepBox.
The process is then done manually and no signature type can be selected.
- This function is only available with a paid subscription.
- Deepbox Advanced
7. Order - Service entry - Sort by date
Via the new button Sort products, it is now possible to sort the services created in orders either in ascending or descending order by date.
In addition, product items can also be sorted according to their product number in the entry screen of all document types.
- This function is only available with a paid subscription.
8. All document types - Mass download (ZIP)
A mass download (ZIP) is now available for all document types.
Multiple completed documents (max. 10) can be combined in a PDF and downloaded as a ZIP file.
9. Products - Expansions
The entry screen in the products area has been revised and equipped with several expansions.
Among other things, it is now possible to enter mass, weight, volume, EAN/barcodes, internal comments and supplier data on the individual products.
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